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The brand is an autumn lamb in Kazakh, that is, it was born last spring and grew up by autumn. The most notable meat for besbarmak. Kohl Lake. Therefore, the lake of a half-year-old lamb, so it should be understood. And why such a name, do you know?
One Kazakh, very rich, moved to Chumek. He has herds of horses, herds of sheep thousands. In a word, buy. His daughter grew up beautiful. It’s time to get married, and – does not give. Doesn’t want to break up. All the different grooms turn away from the gate.
But one day they did inform him. They came from all sides to the tract, put up white yurts. Says bye to the grooms: “Okay, I’ll give my daughter in marriage, and in addition, the groom will receive half of my cattle. But one condition: he must run around the Markakol on a horse while the meat of the mark is being cooked.”
Grooms groaned – is it a well-seen thing! Where to run around, it hurts far away, and the lamb meat is tender, it cooks quickly, but there is nothing to do. They mounted their horses, already at the ready. Here a simple shepherd approaches bai: “Let me, and I’ll run around the lake!”
Bai was angry: “Where can you compete with the best horsemen! Your job is to herd sheep.” But the Murzas, who were chosen as judges, stood up. I had to let Bai.
And that shepherd had a foal-a three-year-old, a good steed. That’s what I was hoping for. He sat down on his tretyak and rode along with everyone. Well, they run, they disappeared from sight behind the hump, and the cooks began to chop the lamb. Laid in the cauldron. A lot of guests gathered from all over the neighborhood, sitting in a circle, drinking koumiss. They wait an hour or two. The sun is rolling across the sky, the meat is bubbling in the cauldron, and there is no one to see. Bai asks the cooks: “Will the brand be ready soon?” – “It’s still damp.”
Therefore, they are worried about the shepherd, their friend. We made it to five in the evening, the sun is about to set. Again bai asks: “Hey, what are you fooling around for! Is Mark cooked?” – “Not yet, it will come now”,- the cooks answer, but they themselves look at the cloying.
And there, on the counter, something is already turning black – isn’t it a shepherd? He has a kind three-year-old! Lo and behold, he really is driving his horse. A shepherd came running, far ahead of everyone. Here the cooks say: the meat is ripe.
The noise, the cry rose: the poor man defeated all the rich suitors! Bai sits frowning: you can’t turn the matter back, the word is given. The shepherd is joyful, happy, he loved the beautiful Bay daughter very much.
The big day has begun! Bai had to give his daughter for a shepherd and give half of the cattle.
And the horse is a tretyak, you know what? I couldn’t stand it. I just ran and fell on the spot…
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