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The mysterious cave of Konyr Aulie

By Word Of Mouth » The mysterious cave of Konyr Aulie

(Legends, fairy tales of East Kazakhstan = Legends, stories of eastern Kazakhstan. – Semey: Artex, 2018. – 122 P.)

Grandfather and grandson went to the Abay district to see another sacred place – the cave of Aulie Konyr.

«Sanjar, this cave has been shrouded in various beliefs and Legends since its inception,» my grandfather began.

– Tell me an interesting legend!  Sanjar asked.

It was in very ancient times (literally). If an early legend is believed, when the worldwide flood began, the sky was covered with Black Lightning, a huge amount of water flowed towards the Earth. Three sages from the Kazakh land made a wooden raft, seeing shanyraks, yurts and some of the utensils for the house floating towards them. Thanks to this, they survive the flood. Then, in a heavy storm, they come to the raft, and the shelf is scattered piece by piece. The three wise men are trapped in different trees. Above them, they experienced an intense blizzard, but the Blizzard threw them in different directions. When the flood stopped and the surface of the earth began to be seen, each sage reached the land and built their own settlements there.

The brown sage, sailing from the beast of these places with his raft Tree, sees from a very far distance the top of a mountain covered in Acorns from the horizon of the water. It was a White Stone Ridge (which means «white stone» in Kazakh). «I’m sorry,» he said.

Having explored the area, the tired passenger decides to go around in all directions. At some point, a huge owl flies past him, and then he goes to the depths of the mountain and hides. So the sage notices a narrow gorge into which he enters the cave. You can only get into it with a jerk. The cave seemed to invite him to visit, as if he was captivated by a magical place, like in a fairy tale. But a hint of cold emanated from there. Brown went inside. It was dark inside the cave, and only a small ray of sunlight illuminated the rock. It was the way out. The sage made a fire torch for himself and walked on. There was a dead silence – as if all the living world on this earth had fallen into a deep sleep. As he approached the great rocks, he had a panic in his head, but he quickly overcame his fear. In the semi-darkness, each new step he took led the genius further down. The soil on the Rock forced the slope to speed up its steps and plunged into the mysterious darkness. The sage walked to the end of the cave, stalking his feet on very large black sharp and slippery stones. The sage, who entered, sees the stone guards, who were standing everywhere-the ancient guardians of this cave. It turns out that the cave consists of several «rooms». Two large living rooms opened to him, and other side doors narrowed in places. In the depths of the dark cave, he saw a small river.

There was a stone bowl filled with water.In a small puddle like a saucer, the water was full. He tried to drink the blue water with a sigh with his palm, and felt his strength increase tenfold. It was then that the sage realized that this puddle is sacred: the water is healing.

In this place, Brown planted his settlement. On cold days, people and animals took refuge in this cave. A sacrificial fire was lit here, and pets were sacrificed. Underground, our ancestors predicted the future by looking at the bones of animals by the light of torches. The soldiers who died in the war were buried nearby. Since then, the cave has been called Brown-Saint.

The Legend of an amazing puddle under the ground has spread everywhere. Knowing the way to the cave, people came to this place with their sorrows, illnesses and hopes. For many years, the distinctive waters of the river in the mountains have been of great benefit to those who drank its water and fell into the same water. Thanks to the amazing water in the puddle, weak and sick people could recover and recover from various diseases. Nomads and soldiers wounded in the bloody war came to this place in search of a cure. It is also said that the army of Genghis Khan came here to heal his wounds. And the Warriors of Kabanbai batyr hid in this cave and ambushed the Dzungars. Kazakh troops rested in this place in the midst of a devastating war, when there was a temporary agreement. Fighting in the Holy Land has always been a grudge.

According to the elders, in the deepest part of the sacred cave, in the epicenter of Eurasia, was buried the Mongol conqueror – Genghis Khan, who «shook the world.» One of the legends says that in the abyss of the lake of the Magic Mountain, fifteen meters deep, there is a secret door leading to a stone living room. Beyond this door, another, the main cave, flooded with natural vigilance– may be the last refuge of the mysterious Genghis Khan, who loved to Moon himself with various secrets. The famous commander exaggerated his trick from everyone and hid his burial place…

– It turns out that the Great Commander outwitted, – Sanjar said thoughtfully. – What other legends are there about this place?

– They say that in the cave, in the underwater Khanate, there are four white snakes that protect it from the curse. According to another local legend, it turns out that in this sacred place, in terrible darkness, sometimes glowing ghosts can be seen. The Guardians of the lake on this mountain are the ghosts of our ancestors. According to the Elders, an old man, white as the moon, wanders near that cave. But the people who live in the neighborhood he is not afraid of ghosts.

– I’m not afraid of ghosts either! – said Sanjar.

– Of course you are a big guy! – grandfather laughed. – I am sure that in his old age he lived in a sacred place and did only good deeds. I think that if self-respect is shown, the ghost will help people.

How to show respect then? Sanjar asked in surprise.

– When you enter the cave, the entrance, clearing your mind and soul, has been preserved to our day. All this method is implemented with a dead calm, because people are afraid to wake up angry ghosts. Since ancient times, people who came to the brown-Saint behaved unusually clean, as in the temple. If a person commits evil, betrayal,renounces the oath he has given, utters heavy and profanity, he will not give rest to the souls of ghosts who died with these deeds. There is a belief that something is left in the cave or something. It is said that at that time people leave their diseases in those places.

«I’ll leave my sunglasses on,» Sanjar thought again. – What diseases are people treated for?

«Different. Families often come to the river, desperate for more, unable to continue their offspring, and ask for help from a mysterious force in a sacred cave. After arriving in the underground river, many baby-free women experience maternal happiness. People have never given up hoping for the miracle. It is not for nothing that the people say:» where life is – hope is there.»

– Do you remember how The Legend of the brown Saint began?  Grandfather asked his grandson.

«He started with the Three Wise Men,» Sanjar said.

– This story has reached our day and continues, – grandfather raised his index finger.


– Those who know the history of the region know that the great Abay Kunanbayev, Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly and Mukhtar Auezov gave the Kazakh people other sages whose glory is indelible. They became the pride of the Kazakh people. Their works give people a pure stream of truth and burn eternal fire in the souls of each of us…
































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