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Treasures of Kiin–Kerish

By Word Of Mouth » Treasures of Kiin–Kerish

(Source: Shygys Kazakstannyn anyzdary, ertegileri = Legends, legends of East Kazakhstan. – Semey : Artex, 2018. – 122 b.)

Once, having heard about the local color-changing places, a group of hunters secretly came here. The steppe wind was walking in their pockets, so they hunted for treasures under the guise of searching for an animal. These people really wanted to get fabulously rich. To the pain in their eyes, they looked at the mysterious terrain, looking at their feet in search of precious stones. In the heat of excitement, they did not even notice how night had fallen.

And so, having come across a suitable clearing, the tired hunters decided to spend the night. They had just settled down for the night, when suddenly a bright moon peeked out from behind the clouds and illuminated everything around. By the light of the moon, people saw precious stones that surrounded them everywhere and played with their beauty. Illuminated by the moonlight, the beautiful crystals sparkled and shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. And they also had a strange feature of mysteriously changing their colors after some time.

From the magical radiance of the stones, people’s minds were confused, greed awoke in their hearts. Everyone wanted to take sole possession of rubies, gems and diamonds of pure water. Caught up in dreams of wealth, people quarreled and began to fight with each other for the right to possess treasures. As a result, all hunters received numerous injuries.

After a while it dawned. That’s when it turned out that they were fighting just for pieces of colored clay… And then people realized that it was the thirst for profit that blinded them. Tears flowed down their cheeks. People smiled with their lips broken in blood and asked for forgiveness from their comrades. They stretched out their hands and helped each other to get up from the ground. And then everyone looked up with humility and saw the boundless turquoise sky with silver clouds. And people’s faces became bright, and their souls became kind. For the first time in many years, they felt happy from the realization of their community with their comrades and never again chased after treasures, the thirst for which can make a person blind. So multicolored clay pebbles gave wisdom to minds that previously only wanted wealth.

At the place of their search, the treasure hunters founded the bright city of Kiin-Kerish. It was inhabited by enlightened people who lived by their labor. Their thoughts remained pure, and their world became harmonious. They were active and cheerful, because they understood that there was no need to grieve in vain – it was better to smile at the sun and bow to the sky. They sang funny songs, knew how to distinguish good deeds from evil and always helped each other. They were no longer looking for precious stones, but instead, after each day spent in labor, they looked at the sky, admiring the silvery starlight. Peering into the twinkling depths of the stars, people saw there a reflection of a real paradise.


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