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The mystery of the old mountain Sedlukha

By word of mouth » The mystery of the old mountain Sedlukha

If you look at the mountain, at the foot of which the old village of Bobrovka, Glubokovsky district, is located, from the building of the rural akimat, you will see the clear outlines of the saddle. Hence the name – Sedlukha. However, there is a treasured point in this area from which a different picture appears: as if a naked woman was lying on her back, covering her face with her elbow, just like Nature herself lay down in a clearing to rest on a starry night.

There is a legend among the local population. In ancient times, when there were no stars in the sky, mountains could turn into giant people. Sedlukha was the progenitor of this family.

One day, the grandchildren of old Sedlukha decided to get stars for the sky. However, this could only be done at the cost of their own lives. For the star crystals, the willful children used the nearby lake. The mountain grandmother realized: to save them, she sucked up the water of the lake, but it was too late. The night sky blossomed with shining lights, and the giant people turned to stone.

So now the wise Sedlukha stands in the middle of the plain. Smaller mountains lie next to it. During the day it is quiet and casual. But at night, when the stars shine, Sedlukha, together with her descendant mountains, turns into beautiful Nature, resting until dawn…


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