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The legend of the creation of the land of Eastern Kazakhstan

By Word Of Mouth  » The legend of the creation of the land of Eastern Kazakhstan

(text provided by East Kazakhstan regional historical museum)

 When the Almighty sculpted the Earth and all the building material was used up, the result was a ball with mountains and deserts, steppes, forests, lakes, seas and rivers… The Creator looked at his creation and saw that there was a hole in the middle of the globe.

Then He began to take a little of everything from everywhere, from the great deserts, mountains, forests, steppes, and lakes of the Earth that He had created, in order to fill up the hole. When the work was completed, the Almighty examined the globe and saw that it was beautiful: it had everything – from golden deserts to shining ice and snow. The place where there was a hole turned out to be especially beautiful. The Creator breathed Life into his creation and everything on Earth came to life: the winds blew, the rivers flowed, the forests rustled, fish swam in the rivers and oceans, birds began to sing in the forests and steppes, animals appeared, and they all ran away, scattered and began to multiply.

Then the Almighty placed the Earth on its eternal circle of rotation. Since then the earth revolved around the Sun. The Almighty, to his surprise, saw that the place where the hole was turned out to be the most beautiful of all that there is on Earth. Then he populated it with people. And so that people would arrive in prosperity and spiritual harmony, He laid countless ore wealth in the depths of this earth. This is how the land of Eastern Kazakhstan was created.


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