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Legend of the Mountains «Tri brata»

By Word Of Mouth » Legend of the Mountains «Tri brata»

Centuries ago, Ridder was completely different. There were no peaks shrouded in fog and snow here, only the steppe stretched to the horizon. At that time there was only a small village on the site of the city. The most ordinary people lived here. They took care of the house and raised children. 

In the same village lived an ancient elder – a widower with three sons. He lived separately and did not communicate closely with anyone. He seemed a little strange and eccentric to his neighbors, but everyone respected him and was a little afraid of him. There were rumors that the old man was a sorcerer and could cure any disease.

The years flew by, life went on as usual. The three sons of that old man grew up to be real heroes – strong, smart, and handsome. They would have lived and enjoyed life, but it was not there.

Suddenly, terrible news spread through the village – Black Trouble was coming. It brings darkness and death to all living things, sweeping away and burning everything in its path. 

At first people did not believe this news. But soon strange things began to happen: the horizon became darker every day, animals and birds hastily left the surrounding forests, people were seized with anxiety. It became clear to everyone that something terrible was approaching.

The brothers then decided to go to their father and ask him to save their native land and all its inhabitants. After all, the elder’s sons knew for sure that their father was a powerful sorcerer.

“Father,” the brothers turned to the old man, “you know the secret of magic, you can save a person from an incurable disease, you can make it rain in a dry season.” Now our land needs your help. The people can only rely on your protection and the power of your witchcraft.”

“My children, you are still too young and don’t understand much,” the sorcerer said quietly. – It is not simple. The basis of a miracle is a pure and kind human heart. In order for magic to happen, you need a person with a bright soul who is ready to voluntarily sacrifice himself to save others.”

“We are ready, father,” – the brothers answered.

The old man turned pale, his eyes filled with tears for a moment. He did not answer his children. The sorcerer sat all night on the river bank, he looked at the water and quietly mumbled something.

The next day darkness swallowed up the sun. It was difficult to even make out whether it was day or night. The smell of burning and death hung around… The three brothers came to their father again.

“Decide, father,” the elder brother said firmly. – “Either one of us will die, or the whole people will die!”

After much persuasion, the elder finally gave in. It took his breath away to realize that he would have to lose one of his children. For the first time in his life, he cried and through his tears he was able to utter only one word: “Who?” Each of the sons was ready to give his life for a good cause. And they decided that all three would die.

The next morning, people woke up to an unusually bright glow. They came out of their houses and froze in surprise. The sun was shining in the perfectly blue sky, the air was clean and fresh. But the most important thing is that the village was surrounded by a ring of mountains. They rose like a wall, with snow caps on the tops and a thick pine forest on their slopes. The villagers did not know where they came from. However, it was clear to everyone – these mountains saved their region from the Black Trouble. People began to laugh, hug each other, and many had tears in their eyes. Among the general celebration, the lonely figure of an old man stood out. He stood motionless, his gaze directed at the three peaks rising on the ridge of the mountains. The father had to turn his sons into lifeless stones in order to save other people.

And now the Tri Brata (Three Brothers) rise above the land they saved. And no one else saw the sorcerer. They say that he went to the mountains and became a hermit. To this day, tourists who visited those mountains say they allegedly saw a lonely old man wandering at the foot of the three peaks.


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