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Legend about the origin of the name of Ayagoz River

By Word Of Mouth » Legend about the origin of the name of Ayagoz River

A long time ago, there lived in our area a beauty named Ayau. Her slender, graceful figure was like a flexible reed, and her beautiful face was like a shining moon. The girl’s rare beauty was matched by her sharp mind and kind heart.

One day Ayau met dzhigit Zhaisan. The young people fell in love with each other, swore eternal fidelity and decided to get married. But at this time another dzhigit named Noyis came to their village to ask in marriage Ayau.

The guys entered into a confrontation for the girl’s hand and, in front of Ayau’s eyes, Noyis killed Zhaisan. Shocked by what happened, the girl burst into tears and soon died of grief. The tears flowing from Ayau’s eyes turned into a flowing river. Since then, the river began to be called Ayaudyn kozi, and subsequently – Ayagoz.


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