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Ertegi – anyz

By Word Of Mouth » Ertegi – anyz

In ancient times there was a land called Zharma. There were many fat cattle, brave warriors and eloquent sages. Seventeen poets came from this land.

In those parts, in the Kalbatau region, near the Shar River stood the village of Berlik. There was amazing nature there, lush grass. If you come to those places, three days will not be enough to enjoy the beauty and prosperity. They say that all imaginable and inconceivable plants grew there, all imaginable and inconceivable animals lived, all imaginable and inconceivable birds flew.

They also say that somewhere there is a Golubinaya cave, in which food and drinks were stored. This cave is located on the top of the mountain. And they called her Dove, because many pigeons circled and cooed around her all the time. The air in this cave was especially fresh and fragrant. People also found cures for various diseases there.


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