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Boritostagan (Spinning wheel of the Giantess)

By Word Of Mouth » Boritostagan (Spinning wheel of the Giantess)

This story about an amazing stone has long been passed on from mouth to mouth and has become a legend.

In ancient times, in the Tarbagatai mountains, a giantess woman tended a flock of her sheep. One day she drove the sheep to the pasture to feed, and she began to spin yarn on a spindle.

The woman was sitting, spinning and remembering her childhood, when she suddenly noticed that some of the sheep began to behave restlessly and thereby frighten the rest. The peace of the sheep was disturbed by wolves. Angry at the wolves, the woman threw a spindle at them. Since then, it is believed that the spindle turned into a stone, which was called Boritostagan.

Mathematician Toktar Nurkenov from Eastern Kazakhstan suggests that Boritostagan is a solid object that fell from the sky, and that this stone broke off during a meteorite explosion. Geologists say that this stone contains a large amount of water. This opinion is shared by local residents, because in the caves of the huge boulder Boritostagan there is always high humidity.

These are just some of the amazing stories that circulate around this mysterious stone. What’s true and what’s false? Only Boritostagan knows about this…


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