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Legend of the origin of the name of the river Ablaketka

By word of mouth » The legend of the Ablaketka River’s origin name

The Kazakhs once had an evil and greedy Khan Ablay. He liked this little river. “But why does she carry her water to no one knows,” he thought, “I will order her to be suburbanized, and then only I and my cattle will drink her  water.” And he ordered his soldiers to carry large stones and throw them into the river. She resisted for a long time – she roared, bubbled, carried away stones to the Irtysh. But people have conquered the river. And then the khan ran up to the dam: “See how strong I am! You’re in my power now. If I want to, I’ll drink your water alone!”. The river could not stand it, gathered its last strength and broke the dam. And together with the stones, she took the greedy khan to the Irtysh. “Ablay ketty!” (Abylai is gone!) the people standing on the shore shouted. Since then, the Ablaketka River has been called.


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