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By Word Of Mouth » Altykyz

Altykyz – this is the name of one of the picturesque valleys in Katon-Karagay. There is an ancient legend associated with this name.
A long time ago, a rich man who lived in these parts had six beautiful daughters. One winter, when the girls were on their way to a wedding, a snowstorm overtook them and they lost their way.

On the way, the girls met the evil old man Konkay, who deliberately showed them the most dangerous and disastrous path. The girls, having never reached the place, froze to death. After death, the beauties turned into birds, and the youngest of the sisters turned into a cuckoo – a bird that people ask how many years they have left to live.
Based on this legend, the famous writer Oralkhan Bokey wrote the story “The Snow Girl”. Only in the story by O. Bokey does the Snow Girl appear as a semi-deity. She lives in the mountains and helps lost travelers find their way home.


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